Dog Treats
Treats should above all be nutritious!
PLEASE be aware of buying treats in the store. I personally know 3 people that have LOST their dogs due to food poisoning from dog treats. It really is hard to find dog treats made from US ingredients. Most are full of who knows what from mostly China and other countries that do not have as strict of standards.
Here at RL Valley Ranch, we like to treat with real meat (hotdogs are a good inexpensive choice, easy to feed) Or simply some canned dog food on tip of your finger! A good nutritious treat I love to use is Royal Canin Puppy Starter Food. They go nuts over it, and its very good for them. Just remember not to over feed with treats, especially when they are little, pups will fill up on treats quickly with their little tummies.
Other good treats are Stellas, Purebites Liver, and be sure to watch our website, we are hoping to start making our own dog treats made from our beef!