Hello!!! I wanted to share some awesome new books I’ve recently read. First is Teach your Herding Breed to be a Great Companion Dog from Obsessive to Outstanding. This book is AWESOME, worth every penny!! Great for the “next steps” in training. Great info on herding dogs in general and has some really interesting history components. It emphasizes that dog training isn’t really a “one size fits all” and that a lot of training info is geared towards the labs/retrievers. This book specializes in learning more about how herding breeds like aussies think, and how to properly motivate herding dogs. I really enjoyed this book and learned a lot!! Can buy on amazon!
The next book I’m still reading. It’s about training for agility! I recently got a video from a past pup doing agility, and it’s inspired me to learn more! So, wanted to share, maybe others will want to learn too! Looks like such a fun sport!! So far, this book has been very helpful in teaching how to teach your dog to do some agility basics. Beginner friendly, good pics! Also available on amazon!
Here’s the video of one of our past pups doing agility! This is Elsa x Cash pup, named Otis!! He’s doing awesome, just 8 months old!! Way to go Otis!! Big thanks to his owners, Steve & Kathy, for sharing the videos, and thank you for inspiring me to learn more about agility!
Other news around the ranch: Elsa’s pups are doing great, growing like weeds!! If you haven’t already, Check out this super cute video of them sleeping: (it’s totally normal at this age for puppies to sleep just about anywhere, yes, even in the litter box LOL) Also below is a link to the puppies page to see pics of this litter (RESERVED)
Sophie is expecting, ultrasound showed 4 pups!!! She’s due first week of February! We’re so excited to welcome these littles soon!!! Picture below of sweet mama Sophie.
I also added a winter 2021 doggie pics album, there’s some pics from around the ranch from this fall and winter!! Link below!