Sold: Sage & Rip BORN June 23!!!
- The Mama: Toy Australian Shepherd Sage
- The Sire: Miniature Australian Shepherd Rip
Sage and Rip puppies are here!!! We have 4 pups!!! 1 blue merle female, 1 dark red merle female, 1 yellow female, 1 yellow male!!! Gosh, they are stunning!!! Pups will be 12-15″ and 12-25lb range on most pups. THESE PUPS ARE . . .

Sold: Sage & Cash!! BORN Jan 5th!!!
- The Mama: Toy Australian Shepherd Sage
- The Sire: Toy Australian Shepherd Cash
ALL PUPS ARE RESERVED!! This little gal is a total sweetheart!!! She’s easy going, loves to be cuddled and held, and is just a happy little gal! She enjoys playing and exploring, but also has a nice calm energy when she’s ready . . .

Sold: Sage & Cash Litter!~
- The Mama: Toy Australian Shepherd Sage
- The Sire: Toy Australian Shepherd Cash
Sage has given birth, on Thanksgiving!!! What special little puppers!!! We have 7 pups!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!! We have: 3 blue merle males, 1 red merle female, 1 black tri male, 1 red tri male, 1 black tri female!!!! What an amazing assortment . . .

Sold: Sage & Cash Spring
- The Mama: Toy Australian Shepherd Sage
- The Sire: Toy Australian Shepherd Cash
Sage has given birth to a litter of 4 healthy pups!! We have 2 blue merle males, and 2 black tri females!! Mama and pups are doing great, will be updating pics in a day or so. Sizes expected in this litter are 12-15″ (15-30lbs) . . .

Sold: Sage & Cash
- The Mama: Toy Australian Shepherd Sage
- The Sire: Toy Australian Shepherd Cash
Sage gave birth to 6 beautiful pups October 5th!!! We are so very excited!!!! These pups will be 10-14″ both small mini and toy sized pups expected!! They will be full panel clear on testing!! This litter is RESERVED for our . . .