Elsa has given birth!!! 7 PUPPIES!!!!! WOWZA!!!!!!!! Puppies born August 11th. We have: 1 blue merle boy, 1 red merle girl, 1 blue merle girl, 1 black tri female, 2 black tri males, 1 red tri male!!!! All the colors of the aussie rainbow!!!! Mama and pups are doing great, I will get individual puppy pics this weekend. These lucky pups are RESERVED for our deposit list! Please contact us for info on getting on our list for upcoming litters!
A very tired, but very happy and content mama Elsa!! She adores her pups!!
Pics taken Sept 10- first time out exploring the yard!! They enjoyed it very much!! Then were tuckered out and napping in their crates!
Pics taken Aug 30!!! Finally everyone has their eyes open!! Hi Puppers!!!
Red Merle Female:
Blue Merle Female:
Black Tri Female:
Blue Merle Male:
Black Tri Male (Larger):
Red Tri Male:
Black Tri Male 2 (Smaller):
Newborn pics!!! Taken 8/16:
Red Merle Female: What a beauty!!! This gal will look just like “Eve” a Elsa x Cash daughter we have kept!! Special gal!!
Blue Merle Female: WOWZA!!! This gals is STUNNING!!!!
Black Tri Female: Super cute little gal!! Love the crooked blaze !!
Blue Merle Male: Such a handsome boy!!! Looks a lot like his aunt, Anna!!
Black Tri Male 1: Big handsome boy!!!
Red Tri Male: LOVE the reds!!! This boy is a looker!!!
Black Tri Male 2: This guy reminds me a lot of daddy Cash!! Super tiny petite pup!!! Adorable!!
This is a repeat cross, and one we LOVE!!!! We expect a size range in pups- some stay toy sized, most will be large toy/small mini ranging from 13-15″ and 20-30lbs. We’ve kept a past pup from this cross, and she’s exceptional!! Her temperament is just like mama Elsa- so full of love and cuddles!!! Wants nothing more than to be pet and loved on. “Eve,” the Elsa x Cash pup we’ve kept, is now 6 months old and is a perfect size at 13″ and 18lbs, I don’t expect her to grow much bigger!
Pictured below, Mama Queen Elsa:
Pictured below, Daddy Cash: